Time to get practical

Now there’s eight months left. Vaccination is on the way. The sun is starting to arrive in Sweden and there is hope.

It’s time to get practical. If we are to be away for 7 months, life at home must continue to work. The following activities will also become own blog posts in the future but here is a comprehensive list of activities that we are starting to think about now so we won´t miss anything. 

Work– How to finance a longer trip? Not only that you should be able to afford to go, life at home will continue to cost. We will show you how we have thought and some advice and tips.

Vaccinations– Not only thoughts about vaccinations against Covid-19, but there are a lot of other Vaccinations you need. It´s depending on where to go and how long you should be away. It´s important to keep in mind that many vaccines require two doses with a certain time in between. Plan on time.

Passport– Many countries require the passport to be valid months after departure from the country so if you´re passport has a short lifespan, consider whether you should change before the trip. It is important to keep in mind that many Visas applied for before the trip are linked to that passport number. If you change passport after, the Visa application may need to be redon. More information can be found on the respective embassy’s page.

Insurance– Remember to ensure that there is good insurance either through home insurance as here in Sweden or take out one separately. In Sweden, home insurance travel insurance often applies for 45 days after which you need an extra one. This often costs a few dollars but is well invested money if something happens.

Driving license– In many countries, an international driving license is required. We will show you how the process in Sweden is done.

Itinerary– this point is particularly difficult for us right now. We do not know which countries will open up and when. Often, if you are out in good time, you can book cheap tickets and make a plan. Now we have to be a little more creative and spontaneous.

Packing– If you´re going to travel for a long time, it is important that ”must have´s”  should last the whole trip. You will move around with everything so think smart, all the rest, can be solved when needed. Think about glasses, lenses, medications, etc. Make a list of things that are ”a must”. Plan for a backpack and don´t miss out the trying before you leave so you know that they work both ergonomically and weight-wise.

Documentation– Although most information is digital, don’t expect to access it all the time. Plan to include important documents physically, what happens at home? You may leave a power of attorney considering different situations and ensuring that they can be solved with limited possibilities.  Think ”what do I do if………”

There’s more, but here’s what we’re going to start planning for now.