Traveling during COVID-19

We get some questions about traveling during Corona. I won’t write about rules and regulations because it change all the time but I can give some guidance in general.

  • Be prepared to change your plans
  • Check out the countries rules and follow them
  • Make sure you really have insurance that covers everything
  • Don’t try to take shortcuts in the rules or your safety
  • If you get information from anyone, get it in writing for example you’re insurance company. You’re insurance should cover cost both if you get sick or have to go in to quarantine because someone near is positiv with COVID.
  • Print out every paper. Collect all the papers you have in an e-mail and send it to yourself. In that way you alway have it in one place. I make a list of papers god to have below.

Papers god to have with you

  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of insurance and Nr to call if anything happens
  • A list with phone numbers home IF your phone gets lost.
  • Copy of document’s needed for entering the country Visa, thaipass (for Thailand)
  • If COVID test needed copy of result
  • hotel booking
  • Vaccination pass ( the proof of your vaccinations)
  • Other document that are required for your destination

And if you still decide to travel don’t complain about the fuzz. When you arrive respect the rules be kind. There is not much tourism anywhere and for us it’s really god you can really experience the country and in Thailand it’s not a problem to keep a distance. Everything you do is also outside so it feel safe but have in mind you can still get sick, in COVID or something else.