Back to Koh Lanta 😳

Goldpackers on the beach

Well traveling during Corona makes you’re plans changes from time to time. Our plan was to go from Phi Phi Islands to Krabi and then over to Tai bay and Koh Samui. But during our the on Phi Phi Islands we found out that booster shots were available the following week on Koh Lanta so we went back.

Of course we stayed at the same place Lanta Nice Beach resort. It’s really lovely, right at the beach with a swimming pool looking out on the sea and lovely staff. It was a couple of extra relaxing days.

Pineapple juice In front of the sea

We hired a scooter and drove to Koh Lanta district center. It was very well organized. We showed our passport and Swedish vaccination papers. After that they took our puls and blood pressure and then we got our booster 🙏 Thanks Thailand and thanks Koh Lanta.

Now it time to leave to Krabi!