Komodo Islands -Well worth a visit

We have been interested in going to Komodo for a long time but before that it has not happened. This time we really wanted to get there. First we booked a boat trip from Lombok to Komodo but due to Covid there were too few interested so it was canceled. Instead, it was a flight from Bali to Labuan Bajo. These flights are usually quite cheap but we managed to dot in the celebration of the end of Ramadan so we had to pay a little more. The flight was super smooth. we have 3 vaccine syringes so we did not need any antigen tests before. If you only have two, it was needed.

Since there were many travellers, we had to take a few extra days in Labuan Bajo before we could return to Bali the flight were really expensive. The city does not have much to offer but we thought we would take the opportunity to get a diving certificate because our accommodation offered it. We got to try some test dives in the pool to ensure that everything works as it should and that we like it. Henrik was also a little worried about his ears. It turned out that he had no problems and loved it while I who was really looking forward to it got into trouble and after several attempts it was just for me to get up. It really did not work to equalize the pressure. Our instructor thought I should take a trip to a doctor he knew to check it out. Said and done, up on the motorcycle and off to the doctor. After a thorough examination, I find out that I have a severe inflammation so no diving for at least a week. Not until I feel completely ok and can equalize pressure correctly. There was no diving certificate here but it will come.

Rangko Cave- Since we had a few extra days before we went out with the boat, there was also a visit to Rangko Cave. A cosy cave that is filled with water so you can swim. Cool to float inside a cave and admire the bats and the cool structure of the cave.

Sailing to Komodo

On Friday it was time to set of on our boat for a weekend cruise around the Komodo Islands. It was me and Henrik who were westerners, the rest were local tourists from Jakarta. But we were an audible group of 11 people. The boat had a few years on its neck but the crew was fantastic. We started with a few stops for snorkling, wonderful water, amazing corals and a couple of turtles before heading to an island for a hike up and a great view of the ocean. Then it was time for coffee. We never went hungry on this trip. After each stop there was something to eat and we had free access to fruit, coffee and water. We made a new snorkling stop before arriving at Bat island to see when the bats woke up at sunset. It was so cool to sit on the boat and watch big (at least 60 cm) bats well up from the island. There were several thousand. In the evening a dinner buffet was served and we sailed on during the night.

Saturday morning it is ascent 04.15 for a morning hike up a mountain top. It takes about 1 hour and when we got up we sat down to wait for the sunrise. What a magical experience and both the sunrise and the view itself was amazing.

the trip then went on to Komodo Island, it was what we thought was the main experience when we booked. We’re really looking forward to seeing the Komodo dragons live. Of course we stopped for a dip and some snorkeling on the way. Arriving at Komodo, we got an introduction to the island and its inhabitants as well as a safety review before our walk. Even if the lizards look sickly slow, they are not and the females can be aggressive so it was best to listen to the guide. Other animals also live on the island, for example deer, which is really just food for the Komodo dragons. During our walk we encountered both large and very small lizards. You were absolutely not allowed to go near them, but the guides were good at taking photos at an angle that looks like you are standing right next to the lizard. Even if we thought this was the main experience, it would turn out that the coolest thing was left.

Snorkel with Mantas.

After the visit to Komodo, we set course for Manta point while we travelers enjoyed lunch, the captain steered the boat towards Manta point. We had to jump into our little extra boat and go out in search of Mantas. From the boat we had seen some and it took about 5 minutes in the whole boat before we saw any. On with the snorkel and in the water! WOW we were suddenly surrounded by 5-6 BIG Mantas etc. just swimming around us. What an awesome experience. Apparently Mantas thrives in a little rough water, which made you after this swim happy with a while on deck and a little relaxation while the captain steered the boat to the evening’s rest area.

Sunday Time to head back to Labuan Bajo. The return trip offers a magical view and a couple of snorkel stops and of course even more food. We are back at lunchtime and head to the hotel for a lovely afternoon by the pool.

Since it was not a diving certificate for us, we decide to spend Monday on the Pirate Island. It is a small island about 1 hour by boat from Labuan Bajo. There is only a small resort here and you live in huts on the beach. Unfortunately the boat times do not work with our flight so it will only be a dasgvisit for us but can definitely recommend a night here if you want to spend a few days. The area is fantastic and offers snorkeling, kayaking, trekking and more. The day disappears quickly and we head back to our hotel. The rest of the time in Labuan Bajo was spent relaxing and hanging out by the pool. We stayed at Dragon Dive Komodo and it can be highly recommended. If you are thinking of taking a diving certificate, it is really good.

A trip around Komodo islands is something you must not miss if you are nearby.