Ready for safari!

After exploring Nairobi for a couple of days, it’s time for the Safari tour. Nairobi is an interesting city where we took a tour of the slums and met the people who live there, what a contrast. It is unusual as a Swede to take a taxi everywhere. This is important as crime is high in Nairobi and we were warned not to walk alone in the evenings.
We left Nairobi early and our driver Alex picked us up in our own jeep which will be our means of transport for the coming days. We went over the mountains to a country club for lunch and the opportunity to walk around among zebras, giraffes and pumba. Magical view and fantastic nature

Then transport to The Ark, which is our accommodation for the night. Located right by the water with more opportunities to see animals.

We had a magical experience here with especially the elephants who were at the Ark all evening. Fantastic to sit and observe them in their natural element.
The day ended with dinner and an early bedtime. The best thing here is that you have a bell in the room that rings if any unusual animals visit the waterhole during the night. For our part, it was unfortunately quiet, but we are super satisfied regardless.