Day 3 Masai Mara

We wake up early again to have breakfast and move on. Now we are going to Masai Mara Game Reserve and stay at Mara Simba Lodge. A lodge in the middle of the savannah. We will stay here for a few nights. We take the opportunity to stop on the way and take a boat ride in the lake where Out of Africa was filmed and see hippos. How can such a large animal hide in the water? A bit scary to ride around among them. You tend to forget to look up and look at the fantastic landscape when you are so focused on looking for animals. During our trip to Mara Simba Lodge we see water buffalo, zebras giraffes and many other species. After check-in and a much-needed lunch, we set out again. Now we are lucky enough to see a herd of lions hiding in the tall grass. At first you don’t see them, then they just stick their heads up and then suddenly there are about 10 of them out of nowhere. The day ends with a fantastic dinner, as always, before falling into bed.