Day 4 at Masai Mara Flying a ballon

Day four we wake up extra early. For some strange reason, we have booked a balloon flight over the savannah. I don’t know why as I have an extreme fear of heights and even when we get up and are about to leave I am not sure I […]

Ready for safari!

After exploring Nairobi for a couple of days, it’s time for the Safari tour. Nairobi is an interesting city where we took a tour of the slums and met the people who live there, what a contrast. It is unusual as a Swede to take a taxi everywhere. […]

Safari in Kenya planningstage

A dream has long been to go on safari. Seeing animals in their natural environment is magical.Although we are used to travel, Africa is a little different as the safari is not sun and bath but more mud and a drive 🙂 . Even vaccinations are a little […]