Backpacking for 6 month in Asia? Here some good tip🙏

Before you go  Before we left we though we had it all covered but you always learn along the way! We have gathered some tips here. Please feel free to contact us if you’re planning you’re trip and have questions. 🙏 This post will be updated when we […]

74 days left Who´s counting

74 days left. Now it is important that the practical is captured and nothing is missed. Yesterday we took our second rabies injection and in 3 weeks it’s time for the last injection against Japanese meningitis. When it comes to vaccinations, it is important that you start this […]

Wow ! The first flight is booked

The first flight is booked. We ha carefully followed the countries in Asian and now we se that Thailand is the first to open up. Right now there is a “sandbox” rule and it’s ok but the rules for Traveler’s is changing all the time so my tip […]

Under 200 Days *wow*

Wow under 200 day until take off! There is no light in the Corona tunnel right now and I’m not sure if I’m exited that times flies. What if the boarded won’t open😳? What if the Corona curve goes sky high in the wrong way ? What IF […]